RCHS Class of “ 61”

Reunion Committee Meeting

Minutes 8 December 2005

45th Year (2006)


I.                    Attendance

a.     Earl McKinstry                                   

b.     Les Davis                                               

c.      Janell  (Mann) McKinstry                       

d.     Sandra (Johnson) McCambridge                                   

e.     Roger Lauer                                   

f.        Ron Laughlin

g.     Linda Laughlin

h.      Janet (Morris) Dowlin

i.        Toni (Englander) Nicholson

j.        Karen Raben                       


II.                 Welcome


a.     The RCHS class of “61” Reunion Committee met at 6:00 P.M. in the Hoyt Room at the Rapid City Public Library on  8 December 2005.


b.     The meeting was called to order by Chairman Toni Nicholson.  


III.               Minutes of the 10 November  2005 meeting.


a.       The minutes of the last meeting were sent to all attendees with email addresses and copies were provided to all attendees at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes. They were also posted on the web site by Ron.  


IV.              Treasures Report


a.     Linda Laughlin, treasurer, reported the current balance on hand was $ 1792.89. There were no expenditures since the last meeting.   


V.                 Committee Reports


a.     Website – Ron Laughlin


1.                  Ron reported that the website was going well and continued to have multiple hits with classmates going to the site.

2.                  Ron had previously requested funds to keep the website active until the 50th and the committee approved the request as noted in the ticket price discussion and approval below.


b.     Reunion Location – Roger Lauer


1.                  Roger and Earl met with Joe Tennyson and his manager Mike and finalized the menus for the two meals provided by the lounge. The menus were presented to the committee as attached at Annex A and approved.

2.                  It was also noted to the committee that the lounge would be closed to the public on Friday between 4 and 9PM and all day on Saturday for exclusive use by the reunion. It was agreed that Joe would open to the public after 9PM on Friday evening. The reunion schedule had previously been approved at the last meeting.

3.                  It was also noted to the committee that there was a request by Joe to reimburse him for any lost cash bar revenue during the Friday and Saturday hours closed. The committee approved reimbursement of Joe for any lost cash bar revenue during the reunion. Also it was noted that all cash bar prices to classmates during the reunion would be happy hour prices at all times. 


C.                Golf – Les Davis


1.                  Les reported to the committee that he had looked into several golf courses and that Red Rocks appeared to be the best choice for golf during the reunion. The price will be about $ 35.00 for 9 holes and ½ cart with the 2nd 9 holes optional. Golf will be on Saturday the 24th of June and Les will need to have an idea of the number of golfers this Spring. Information and details will be provided in the February reservation letter.     


D.                Inside Activities


1.                  Inside activities were discussed and Janell volunteered to help with the Sharing Memories Table.

2.                  The committee is still looking for coordinators for several inside activities.

3.                  The committee approved the list of Inside Activities at Annex B.  


E.                Outside Activities

1.                  Outside activities were discussed and Sandra requested that we may want to consider having the Prairie Berry Winery Trip in the afternoon rather than in the morning. The committee tabled this request until the next meeting.

2.                  The committee approved the Outside activities listed at Annex B.

3.                  The committee requested that the reservation letter list inside and outside activities so classmates can indicate specific interest so we will have an idea of numbers for activities.   


F.            Registration – Toni (Englander) Nicholson)


1.      Toni indicated that she had received several post cards returned with address unknown. She asked Ron if she could put a list of these on the web site to help find these classmates.

2.      Toni said she would draft the registration letter and sign up form for the February 2006 meeting and after approval send out by the end of February.

3.      Les had looked into the possibility of a class picture and had contacted several photographers. As was approved at the last meeting the group picture would be optional for those classmates that wanted to purchase one. Les indicated that the best deal was provided by Bill Groethe for $ 15.00 each for an 8 X 10 and he would take the picture before the banquet on Saturday night and have the prints ready by the end of the evening. After some discussion the committee approved Bill Groethe and asked Les to contract with him for the group picture.

4.      Lastly the committee considered the cost of the reunion to each classmate. Numerous items of expense were considered to include: the cost of 2 catered meals, cost of Robbinsdale Lounge, postage and website expenses. After all expenses were considered the committee voted to charge $ 35.00 per classmate for the 2005 reunion.  


F.                 Schedule of Events – tentative


1.            There were no changes to the  previously approved schedule.  



VI.              Next Meeting


a.     After some discussion, the January meeting was canceled and the next meeting is scheduled for 9 February 2006, Thursday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Hoyt Room at the Rapid City Public Library.



VII.            Meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M.

a.            The committee continued to visit and spread Christmas cheer with food and drink provided by each member.




Respectfully submitted





Earl R. McKinstry, Recorder





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