Suggested Activities

For Saturday 24 June 2006  updated 8 Dec, 2005


Inside Activities, AM and PM schedule on back of sheet , sign up Friday night, no cost, lots of prizes, all activities at Lounge


1.                  Pool Tournament                   coordinator -  Roger Lauer


2.         Texas Hold-Um Poker          coordinator -  Mike Gustafson


3.         Bunko Tournament                coordinator _______________


4.                  Bragging Table,                    coordinator -  Mary Margaret & Margee                                      Most beautiful Grandchild contest


5.                  Sharing memories table       coordinator -  Mary Jo and Janell

Pictures, 50’s & 60’s


            6.         Bridge tournament                coordinator -  Janet Dowlin


            7.         Bowling Tournament             coordinator ______________


            8.         Dart Tournament                   Coordinator ______________


Outside Activities, AM and PM schedule on back, sign up Friday night, may be some cost involved like swimming, golf, etc.


1.                  Golf Tournament,                   coordinator – Les Davis

9 or 18 holes at Red Rocks


            2.         Hike Mickelson Trail             coordinator _________________

                        Time? Place?


            3.         Swimming, Roosevelt Pool  coordinator _______________

                        Cost _____?


4.                  Hike Skyline Drive                coordinator -  Chuck Tenant

Wilderness Area


5.                  Bike Ride or Walk                 coordinator _________________

Rapid City Bike Trail


            6.         Volleyball Tournament          coordinator ________________


            7.         Prairie Berry Wine, Hill City coordinator - Sandra McCambridge


            Coordinator: Sign ups Friday night, where to meet, what to wear, what will it cost, transportation, Poker, rules, etc. tables set up in Casino. Prizes, winners?                                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                        ANNEX B                  





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