2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961





Minutes September 2005




RCHS Class of " 61"

Reunion Committee Meeting

Minutes 8 September 2005

45th Year (2006)

  1. Attendance
    1. Earl McKinstry
    2. Sandra Johnson
    3. Les Davis J.
    4. Karen Raben
    5. Merlin Stromer K.
    6. Linda Peters
    7. Toni Nicholson L.
    8. Dick Naeve
    9. Roger Lauer
    10. Mary Margaret Clark
    11. Ron Laughlin
    12. Marlyn Lund
  2. Welcome
    1. The RCHS class of "61" Reunion Committee met at 6:00 P.M. in the Rapid City Public Library on 8 September 2005.
    2. The meeting was called to order by co-chairman Dick Naeve.
  3. Minutes of the 9 August 2005 meeting.
  4. a. The minutes of the last meeting were sent to all attendees with email addresses and copies were provided to all attendees at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes. They were also posted on the web site by Ron.

  5. Treasures Report
    1. Linda Laughlin, treasurer, was absent and Ron reported that we currently had $ 1,963.51 in the checking account. Linda had paid the web site bill of $ 189.49 since the last meeting.
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Website – Ron Laughlin
        1. Ron reported that the web site is up and running at RCHS61.org and new items are being added weekly.
        2. The registration committee will provide 4 lists to Ron to put on the site: Classmate addresses, class mate emails, list of deceased classmates and a list of classmates that cannot be located. All committee members were encouraged to look the lists over before the 13th of October meeting so the mailing list could be finalized.


    2. Reunion Location – Roger Lauer
        1. The first item for discussion under location was a determination of the date in 2006 for the reunion. Two dates; 23-24-25 June and 25-26-27 August were proposed and then voted on. There was considerable discussion on the date as to weather, tourist season, close to the rally, etc. before the vote was taken. With all of those in attendance voting the June date, 23-24-25 of June 2006 was selected.
        2. The next major item for discussion and vote was the place to have the reunion. The date that was selected actually eliminated a couple of location choices. Roger Lauer had done considerable leg work on several of the locations and presented information on: Robinsdale Casino, Arrowhead, and the Chop House. He included pictures of the locations and details on rooms, food, cost, etc. Les Davis presented detailed information on the Elks Club in Rapid Valley to include menu items, prices and the use of the banquet room. Dick Naeve also had researched some possible locations and presented information on the Holiday Inn, Quality Inn, Ramkota and the Gas Light in Rockerville. There was considerable discussion on all of the location sites and the decision was put to a vote. The Robinsdale Casino was selected for the reunion site. As was noted in some detail at the last meeting the Robinsdale Casino is owned and operated by classmate Joe (Lanny) Tennyson and he will close the casino to the public from Friday afternoon until Saturday night so that the class will have a private meeting place. Joe will cater the Friday evening bar-b-q and the Saturday night buffet banquet as well as provide chips and drip for free though out the reunion, as well as a cash bar. In addition he is providing a free "DJ" for our dancing pleasure on Saturday night. One negative of the casino was smoke and Joe intended to put down new carpet this Fall and the reunion committee would be looking at some type of air purification the day before the reunion. There will be no smoking inside during the reunion. There was also ample parking at the casino as was noted last month. Details on menus, food costs, etc. would be worked on between Roger Lauer and Joe and reported to the next meeting.
    1. Golf – Les Davis

1. Les indicated that there are 3 or 4 good choices for golf on Saturday morning the 24th. He would research course availability, cost for 9 or 18 holes, with or without a cart. Details of this Saturday option will be included in the second mailing in February 2006.

    1. Tours – Karen Raben

1. Any decision on tours being offered as a Saturday option was tabled until the October meeting. Karen encouraged members to visit the web site and email Ron with suggestions for tours this year.

    1. Registration (Correspondence) – Toni Nicholson
      1. Toni has obtained a loaner computer and is currently working on the 4 lists; classmate addresses, email addresses, deceased members and unable to locate list. When the 4 lists are complete we will post on the web site.
      2. The early notice post cards will be purchased and printed before the 13 October meeting and the mailing addresses finalized so the committee can address the post cards that night and send the next day.

      4. The 2nd and final mailing will be in February with a detailed letter, event schedule, menus, cost, etc. as well as a sign up form.
    2. Miscellaneous

There were no additional items presented for discussion at this meeting.

  1. Next Meeting
    1. The next meeting is scheduled for 13 October 2005, Thursday, form 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the Hoyt room at the Rapid City Public Library. The room has been reserved for the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. for the next 9 months. The room is downstairs just to the right of the door when you enter.
    2. All Class of "61" classmates are invited and encouraged to attend the meetings and help the committee with this 45 year reunion.
  2. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.



Respectfully submitted




Earl R. McKinstry, Recorder




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