2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961






Hi all, I'm Sharon (Senese) Sylvester.

I just visited the web site again and I want to send my new address and e-mail addy and hope to have it updated if possible. I have joined the rest of the "gray heads" and moved to Florida full time.

New address is 6255 Dundee Avenue, North Port, Fla. 34286 and the e-mail is as above: sharpa_8@msn.com"

It is my hope to attend the next reunion but can't say for sure yet. It is sooo "neat" to read such familiar names on the classmate list and I would love to see the faces that go with those names again. All good things to everyone. Thanks, Sharon










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