2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961



RCHS Class of “ 61”

Reunion Committee Meeting

Minutes 13 October 2005

45th Year (2006)


I.                    Attendance

a.     Earl McKinstry                                   

b.     Linda Laughlin                                               

c.      Linda (Moore) Peters                       

d.     Sandra (Johnson) McCambridge                                   

e.     Roger Lauer                                   

f.        Mary Jo (Savio) Anderson                       


II.                 Welcome


a.     The RCHS class of “61” Reunion Committee  met at 6:00 P.M. in the Hoyt Room at the Rapid City Public Library on  13 October 2005.


b.     The meeting was called to order by recorder Earl McKinstry.


III.               Minutes of the 8 September 2005 meeting.


a.       The minutes of the last meeting were sent to all attendees with email addresses and copies were provided to all attendees at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes. They were also posted on the web site by Ron.  


IV.              Treasures Report


a.     Linda Laughlin, treasurer,  reported that the incoming balance on hand was $ 1,963.57 with 1 check written to Toni  (Englander) Nicholson for post cards and printing for 1st mailing of $ 170.68 leaving a balance on hand as of 13 October 2005 of $ 1792.89.   


V.                 Committee Reports


a.     Website – Ron Laughlin


1.                  The web site is up and running at RCHS61.org and new items are being added weekly.


2.                  The post cards have been sent so more classmates should be looking at the web site for address updates, lost classmates, etc.


3.                  It was noted by the committee that Ron has done an excellent job on the web site and encouraged all to send him info to post.  




b.     Reunion Location – Roger Lauer


1.                  Roger reported that he, earl and Toni had met with Mike Herman from Robbinsdale Lounge and discussed the schedule of events as well as Friday and Saturday night menus.


2.            Tentatively the Friday night Bar-b-q will include sloppy Joes, potato salad, baked beans, chips and dip, and coffee and iced tea. We are still negotiating the cost.


3.            Tentatively the Saturday night buffet banquet will include chicken breast and pork loin, baker potatoes, tossed salad, vegetable, bread and dessert with coffee and iced tea. We are still negotiating the cost.


C.                Golf – Les Davis


1.            Les was not present to report on golf but is in the process of contacting local courses for the best price, etc.     


D.                Inside Activities


1.                  There had been considerable discussion about scheduled events, like hills tours, other than golf. Several ideas, choices had been posted on the web but no one had indicated one way of the other a preference.

2.                  Therefore several inside activities and outside activities were presented to the committee for review. Activities tentatively included: pool, Texas hold-um poker, bunko, bridge, bowling, darts, bragging table (with prize for most beautiful grandchild) and sharing memories table (50’s, 60’s, pictures, etc.)

3.                  Committee members would be assigned as an activity coordinator and sign up on Friday night during registration. Committee members will be looking for classmates to volunteer to help with the activities. Roger Lauer agreed to be the pool coordinator.


E.                Outside Activities

1.                  Activities tentatively discussed included golf (Les Davis coordinator), Hike Mickelson Trail, Roosevelt Pool Swimming, Hike Skyline Drive Wilderness Area (to ask Chuck Tenant to coordinate), Bike or Walk the Rapid City Bike Trail, Frisbee or volleyball tournament, and trip to the Prairie Berry Winery in Hill City for Wine and Cheese tasting.

2.                  As with inside activities the sign up would be Friday afternoon and some nominal cost may be included in some of the activities.

3.                  We will be looking for coordinators to volunteer for there activities also.

4.                  Other inside and outside activities are welcome and encouraged from committee members and classmates. Contact Ron on the web site with suggestions.    


F.            Registration – Toni (Englander) Nicholson)


1.      Toni was not present but had completed the mailing labels and post cards to be sent to classmates. The post cards have Toni’s return address, phone number, and email and she can be contacted for any updates to the 4 posted lists: Addresses, email addresses, in memory and lost classmates. 

2.      There was some discussion as to the cost of the reunion and it was indicated that this would be discussed further in the November meeting, after menu costs, etc. were finalized.

3.      Toni had brought up the idea of having a class picture taken again this year by a professional photographer and offer an 8 X 10 to all attendees. Toni was in the process of contacting a photographer for prices.


F.                 Schedule of Events – tentative


1.            The tentative schedule of events was reviewed and approved by the committee. Attached at attachment A.



VI.              Next Meeting


a.     The next meeting is scheduled for 11 November 2005, Thursday, form 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the Hoyt room at the Rapid City Public Library. The room has been reserved for the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.  for the next 7 months. The room is downstairs just to the right of the door when you enter.


b.     All Class of “61” classmates are invited and encouraged to attend the meetings and help the committee with this 45 year reunion. We are especially looking for some volunteers to help coordinate the inside and outside activities on Saturday.


VII.            Meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M.




Respectfully submitted





Earl R. McKinstry, Recorder





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