RCHS Class of “ 61”

Reunion Committee Meeting

Minutes 10 November 2005

45th Year (2006)


I.                    Attendance

a.     Earl McKinstry                                   

b.     Les Davis                                               

c.      Linda (Moore) Peters                       

d.     Sandra (Johnson) McCambridge                                   

e.     Roger Lauer                                   

f.        Mary Jo (Savio) Anderson

g.     Mary Margaret (Fraley) Clark

h.      Janet (Morris) Dowlin

i.        Margee ( Nelson) Hussey                       


II.                 Welcome


a.     The RCHS class of “61” Reunion Committee  met at 6:00 P.M. in the Hoyt Room at the Rapid City Public Library on  10 November 2005.


b.     The meeting was called to order by recorder Earl McKinstry.


III.               Minutes of the 13 October 2005 meeting.


a.       The minutes of the last meeting were sent to all attendees with email addresses and copies were provided to all attendees at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes. They were also posted on the web site by Ron.  


IV.              Treasures Report


a.     Linda Laughlin, treasurer, was not present and there were no expenditures since the last meeting when the balance on hand was $ 1792.89.   


V.                 Committee Reports


a.     Website – Ron Laughlin


1.                  Ron was not present but reported through a committee member that he would like to keep the web site up for the next 5 years until the 50th which would cost about $ 750. He requested that the committee consider this expenditure before setting the price for the 2006 tickets. This request was tabled until the December meeting when we will set the ticket price.  


b.     Reunion Location – Roger Lauer


1.                  Roger and Earl plan to meet with Joe Tennyson before the December meeting to finalize the menus and cost of meals. Tentative menus were listed in the October minutes.


C.                Golf – Les Davis


1.                  Les reported that her was in the process of contacting 3 or 4 courses to get prices. Part of the problem is they do not set their 2006 price until the Spring.

2.                  Several committee members thought that Red Rocks would be a new course that classmates had not played  and asked Les to check on that.

3.                  There was also interest in the cost for just 9 holes vs. 18 holes if some did not want to play all day.    


D.                Inside Activities


1.                  Inside activities were discussed and committee members volunteered to help as coordinators of several activities. Bragging table; Mary Margaret and Margee, Bridge Tournament; Janet and Sharing Memories; Mary Jo.

2.                  The committee is still in need of several coordinators for inside activities as noted in Annex A. Email Toni or Ron or come to the December meeting and help us out.


E.                Outside Activities

1.                  Outside activities were discussed and a trip to the Prairie Berry Winery in Hill City was added to the list with Sandra (Johnson) McCambridge as coordinator.

2.                  One of the committee members indicated that they would still try and contact Chuck Tenant as coordinator for the Hike Skyline Drive Wilderness Area.

3.                  The committee is still looking for outside activity coordinators.


F.            Registration – Toni (Englander) Nicholson)


1.      Toni was not present but reported that several post cards had been returned with no forwarding address.

2.      The cost of the reunion was again discussed and would be finalized in December when meal prices were complete.

3.      There was some discussion concerning a group picture and Les Davis was going to contact a couple of photographers about cost for an 8 X 10. After considerable discussion the committee tentatively indicated that this cost would be optional and not included in the ticket price. 


F.                 Schedule of Events – tentative


1.The schedule of events (Annex B) was reviewed and approved by the committee.  



VI.              Next Meeting


a.     The next meeting is scheduled for 8 December 2005, Thursday, form 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the Hoyt room at the Rapid City Public Library. The room has been reserved for the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.  for the next 6 months. The room is downstairs just to the right of the door when you enter.


b.     The committee decided that we would have a Christmas Potluck at the next meeting with members bringing an appetizer to share and Earl will bring the (soft) drinks. Ha!


VII.            Meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M.




Respectfully submitted





Earl R. McKinstry, Recorder





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