RCHS Class of "61"

Reunion Committee Meeting Minutes

15 June 2010

50th Year (1011)

  1. Attendance
    1. Present
      1. Earl McKinstry
      2. Duke Goodell
      3. Linda Laughlin
      4. Marlis (Knutson) Legner
      5. Linda (Moore) Peters
      6. Roger Lauer
      7. John Quinn
      8. Diana Lee
      9. Les Davis


  2. Welcome
  3. The meeting was called to order by John Quinn at 6:30 PM
    at NAU, Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City.

  4. Minutes
    1. The minutes of the 13 April 2010 meeting were read and
      approved. Minutes will be emailed to all and posted on the
      RCHS web site.

  5. Treasurers Report
    1. Linda Laughlin reported that the balance on hand was
      $ 2141.11. There are no current outstanding bills.

  6. Committee Reports
    1. Web site – The web site managed by Ron Laughlin continues to be active and classmates are encouraged to send updated pictures, etc. to Ron at cobblers@rchs61.org so they can be posted to the web site. www.rchs61.org
    2. Reunion Date – The dates for the 50th year reunion are Friday, Saturday and Sunday the 9th, 10th and 11th of September 2011.
    3. Reunion Place
      1. As noted in the 26 January minutes the place for the reunion has been solidified by Karen Raben and Julie Ward. We will be at the Canyon Lake Resort for the Friday Mixer and The Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn for the banquet and dance on Saturday night.
      2. The Montana Room has been secured for a hospitality room at the Holiday Inn and the Ball Room rented with a cash bar available as well as the dance floor. John Quinn has agreed to be the MC again and will work on a program for that night.
      3. A deejay, Brain Fisher has been contracted for the evening for $ 400 to $ 500 depending on the length of the dance.
      4. A block of rooms have been reserved at the Holiday Inn at a rate of $ 114 per room. Reservations can be made by calling Black Hills Central Reservations at 1-800-727-4324 and mention the class of "61" reunion.
      5. Hospitality Committee – Three classmates agreed to be the hospitality committee, Linda (Moore)Peters, Marlis (Knutson) Legner, and Bev Leech. This will include registration tables at Canyon Lake Resort and the Holiday Inn. The committee will contact Sandy Hintz at the Rapid City chamber for help printing name tags.
      6. Registration fee – Set at $ 80.00 each to include the mixer and the banquet/dance but does not include payment for the booklet (price to be determined) or other incidentals.

    4. Booklet – As was determined at an earlier meeting, Les Davis daughter Tracy Davis has agreed to assist the committee with the publishing of the 2010 edition. Details of where to send pictures and information will be determined. Roger Lauer was asked to check with Copy County and the Little Print Shop on printing costs for the booklet and report back in August.

    6. Registration/Correspondence
      1. Toni has added two to her committee, Darlene (Gerstein) Tuohy and Susan Milstead. Toni has emailed a list of missing classmates that can be reviewed on the web site and email either Toni at purrfectcats@hotmail.com or Ron Laughlin at cobblers@rchs61.org with any information you have. Les Davis indicated that he had completed the current data base of names and addresses.
      2. Roger Lauer reported that he had contacted Copy Country and the post office and post cards are 31 cents each and printing on one side 20 cents. The committee approved the 51 cents each cost to send the post card to all known classmates in September and Linda Laughlin will draft the post card for approval at the 17 August committee meeting.
      3. Roger also reported that he priced an envelope with stamp for 54 cents each and the registration form can be printed in the Spring and sent in the envelope. Roger indicated that the total cost for printing and mailing both items would be about $385 for 250 cards/envelopes sent. The committee approved this expenditure.


    7. Activities
      1. The committee discussed at length several possibilities for Saturday and Sunday activities. Attached at Annex B is a tentative schedule of activities with details and cost to be determined.



    8. Miscellaneous –
      1. Earl presented several possibilities for use of the logo for the reunion. The committee approved the purchase of an iron on/sew on patch of the logo that will be included in the registration packet with additional patches on sale for $ 1.00 each. Also the committee approved the purchase of 144 11 ounce white ceramic coffee mugs with the logo that will sell for $5.00 each at registration. Other items may be considered in the future.
      2. The committee indicated that there should be a memorial type remembrance some time during the reunion. In addition tentatively there will be a memorabilia table set up at the Holiday Inn.
      3. The committee will contact our class counselors, Jerry Tracy and Marge (Larson) Reder and invite them to the reunion. Earl indicated that he would contact Marge Reder. The committee also indicated that the counselors would not be charged for their registration fee.
      4. A tentative schedule of events was approved and is attached at Annex A.


  7. Next Meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 17 August at 6:30 PM at the NAU Presidents Conference Room in Rapid City. Any and all classmates are encouraged to attend or email comments or input to Duke or Ron.
  8. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

Respectfully submitted, Earl McKinstry, recorder






RCHS Class of "61"

50 Year High School

Class Reunion

Schedule of Events Change (Tentative) 15 June 2010



Friday, 9 September 2011

4:30 – 6:00 P.M. Registration at Canyon Lake Resort

6:00 – until close Mixer, Cash Bar and 50’s music


Saturday, 10 September 2011

7:00 – 8:00 A.M. Breakfast on your own.

8:00 – 12:00 NOON Activities

12:00 – 1:00 P.M. Lunch on your own, several restaurants within walking distance of the Holiday Inn

1:00 – 5:00 P.M. Activities

5:00 – 8:00 P.M. Banquet, Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn

8:00 – midnight Dance at Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn


Sunday, 11 September 2011

7:00 – 9:00 A.M. Breakfast on your own







RCHS Class of "61"

50 Year High School

Class Reunion

Activities scheduled (tentative) 15 June 2010

Saturday, 10 September 2011


(1)  8:30 AM to 3:30 PM Activity Chairman, Les Davis,
9 or 18 holes of golf, Golf Course and cost to be determined

(2)  9:00 AM to ? Activity Chairman, Tim Raben,
Hike Buzzard’s Roost, details will be forth coming

(3)  8:30 AM to 3:30 PM Activity Chairman, John Quinn,
Bus trip to Hill City to visit Prairie Berry Winery, Lunch at Alpine Inn, ride 1880 train one way to Keystone and return to Rapid City. Details and cost to be determined.

(4)  8:30 AM to 3:30 PM Activity Chairman, To be determined,
Bus trip to Deadwood, lunch at First Gold or other casino, gambling, site seeing, etc., return to Rapid City. Details and cost to be determined.

(5)  9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, Activity Chairman, to be determined,
Informal visiting at Holiday Inn and review of memories table and other memorabilia.

(6)  1:00 to 5:00 PM Activity Chairman, to be determined, other activity to be determined


Sunday, 11 September 2011

11:00 until when ever, Activity Chairman, to be determined, possible pot luck at Canyon Lake Park









50th Year (2011)

RCHS Class of "61"

Reunion Committee Meeting


17 August 2010 – 6:30 PM

NAU, Presidents Conference Room, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701

  1. Attendance – pass around sign up sheet with telephone number and email address
  2. Welcome
  3. Minutes –
  4. Treasurers Report – Linda Laughlin
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Web site – Ron Laughlin
    2. Reunion Place – Karen and Julie
      1. Canyon Lake Resort –
      2. Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn
        1. Banquet/dance/deejay
      3. Hospitality committee – Linda, Marlis and Bev
    3. Reunion Booklet – Tracy Davis
      1. Printing costs – Roger Lauer report
    4. Registration/Correspondence - Toni
      1. Blanket email - done
      2. Post card – Review, finalize and send September 2010
      3. Registration form – Spring 2011
      4. Data base – Les Davis

    5. Activities
      1. Golf – Les Davis
      2. Hill City Winery – John Quinn
      3. Deadwood Trip - ?
      4. Hike – Tim Raben
      5. Memorabilia Table - ?
      6. Other ?
    6. Miscellaneous
      1. schedule of events –
      2. Logo – Earl
      3. Memorial/remembrance
      4. contact Jerry Tracy/Marge Reder
      5. other

VI. Next meeting