RCHS Class of “ 61”

Reunion Committee Meeting

Minutes 9 March 2006

45th Year (2006)


I.                    Attendance

a.     Earl McKinstry                                   

b.     Les Davis                                               

c.      Linda (Moore) Peters                       

d.     Sandra (Johnson) McCambridge                                   

e.     Roger Lauer                                   

f.        Toni (Englander) Nicholson

g.     Linda Laughlin

h.      Janet (Morris) Dowlin

i.        Marlyn Lund



II.                 Welcome


a.     The RCHS class of “61” Reunion Committee met at 6:00 P.M. in the Hoyt Room at the Rapid City Public Library on 9 March 2006.


b.     The meeting was called to order by Toni.


III.               Minutes of the 9 February 2005 meeting.


a.       The minutes of the last meeting were sent to all attendees with email addresses and copies were provided to all attendees at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes. They were also posted on the web site by Ron. 


IV.              Treasures Report


a.     Linda Laughlin, treasurer, reported the current balance on hand was $ 1604.50.  Linda paid Toni $ 188.39 for printing and postage for the registration letter.  


V.                 Committee Reports


a.     Website – Ron Laughlin


1.                  Linda reported that the website was going well and continued to have multiple hits with classmates going to the site.  Linda indicated that there had been 104 hits on the website since the 1st of March.

2.                  The committee requested that additional website pictures and news be sent to Ron to spark interest in this year’s reunion.


b.     Reunion Location – Roger Lauer


1.                  Roger reported that all of the details with Robbinsdale Lounge had been completed but that he would meet soon with Joe Tennyson to finalize any questions that may come up.


C.                Golf – Les Davis


1.                  Les reported to the committee that he was unable to secure Red Rocks on the 24th of June but had firmed up golf at Meadowbrook on the 24th for 9 or 18 holes.  The cost was less at $ 23.50 for 9 holes or $ 39.25 for 18 holes including a cart. Les will have his email address  in the registration form to sign up for foursomes.


D.                Inside Activities


1.                  Coordinators are still needed for inside activities. Activity interest will be forth coming when registrations are received and some activities may be canceled.


E.                Outside Activities


1.                  Coordinators also needed.  


F.            Registration – Toni (Englander) Nicholson)


1.      Toni reported that all of the registration letters and sign up sheets had been finalized and printed. She was currently printing mailing labels and they would be sent out tomorrow. 


F.                 Schedule of Events


1.   There were no changes to the previously approved schedule.                      



VI.              Next Meeting


a.     The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 11 May at 6:00 PM in the Hoyt Room of the Rapid City Public Library.


1.                  Any classmate in the Rapid City area that is willing to help with the reunion, especially with the inside and outside activities is asked to be present at the May meeting. Please look at the registration form for a list of those activities that do not yet have coordinators. This is not a hard job, just some one to sign up participants on Friday night and then oversee the activity on Saturday. Thanks in advance for you help. 

2.                  The committee discussed the next meeting and decided to cancel the April meeting and meet the next time in May.

3.                  The committee thought that all the details for the reunion were in place and after registration forms are received we would have some attendance numbers for the May meeting. Toni indicated that the name tags needed to be made and Earl noted that he had plastic name tag holders for the name tags. These could be worked on at the May meeting.



VII.            Meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M.





Respectfully submitted





Earl R. McKinstry, Recorder






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