Dear Fellow Classmates,
Since our 2001 reunion I have moved back to Rapid,(doesn't everybody?) well Blackhawk
anyway. Some of you might remember me harping about bringing my '68 Camaro convertible to
that reunion. And that I hit a deer with it just a few days prior to coming. Well, the way I
figure it is that by moving back out here from Minnesota I will have much less chance of
hitting another one. That little episode cost me $8300!!! I have downsized considerably since
the last reunion, both in material things and waistline. I will be downsizing one more time
immedietly after our 2006 reunion. I will be handing the keys to that car over to my son
Shawn who will come down from Missoula to relieve me of it. Then it will be his turn to
hit deer and start dumping money in to it. I hope he's a safe driver as they have much
bigger critters up that a way.
I just reviewed the pictures from our last reunion. What a bunch of old people!! Of
course I managed to not be in any of the pictures myself.
I am greatly looking forward to seeing you all in a year,
Marlyn Lund