2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961

2006 Reunion RCHS Class of 1961





Minutes July 2005

RCHS Class of " 61"
Reunion Committee Meeting
Minutes 5 July 2005
45th Year (2006)


1. Attendance

a. Earl McKinstry
b. Les Davis
c. John Quinn
d. Toni Nicholson
e. Roger Lauer
f. Dick Naeve
g. Ronnie Laughlin
h. Linda Laughlin


2. Welcome

a. The RCHS class of "61" Reunion Committee met at 6:30 in the Rapid City Public Library on 5 July 2005.
b. The meeting was called to order.


3. Minutes of the last meeting

a. There were no minutes from the organizational June 2005 meeting held at the Colonial House.
b. The committee discussed chairmanship for the 45th year reunion and Dick Naeve and Toni Nicholson agreed to be Co-chairmen for the reunion. The committee approved.
c. Earl McKinstry agreed to be the committee recorder and this was approved.


4. Treasures Report

a. John Quinn was present and reported to the committee that there was $ 2,153.00 in the reunion checking account.
b. John requested that he not be the treasurer for the 45th year reunion.
c. Linda Laughlin agreed to be the treasurer for this reunion and this was approved by the committee.


5. Committee Reports

a. Website

Ronnie Laughlin agreed to be the Web Master for the reunion and will get a CD Rom from Denny Madden to start the new site.
Ronnie had researched starting up the web site and can get 2 GB of memory for about $13.00/month paid annually in advance. The committee approved this expenditure. Ronnie reported that the new web site will be rchs61.org and this was a change from rchs61.com which we had for the 40th but will expire soon.


b. Reunion Location - Roger Lauer

There was considerable discussion on the date and location for the 2006 reunion. 3 possible sites have been suggested and will all be researched for date availability, prices and facilities for presentation at the 9 August meeting. Possible sites include:

(1) Canyon Lake Chop House (Receptions)
(2) Elks Club
(3) Robbinsdale Casino

Dates in consideration included 23-24-25 June and 26-27-28 August 2006.

The reunion format and cost was discussed and the committee suggested continuing with the Friday PM, Saturday all day and Sunday AM format. The charge would be $ 40.00 each to include 2 catered meals, web site maintenance, postage, location (room) fees, and miscellaneous expenses.


C. Golf - Les Davis

The consideration of having a golf outing was discussed and Les Davis was to look into several possibilities in the area for 20-30 golfers for Saturday AM as we have done in the past.


D. Tours - Karen Raben

Karen was not present but had looked into the possibility of a variety of tours throughout the hills during the reunion. Any final recommendation on tours was tabled until the 9 August meeting when Karen could report more details.


E. Registration (Correspondence) - Toni Nicholson

Toni agreed to head up the committee for mailings and the group decided that a Fall post card and a Spring mailing with registration form would suffice.


F. Miscellaneous

The committee discussed and then decided that we would not publish a reunion booklet this time but do it again for the 50Th. No other items such as t-shirts, etc. were discussed at this meeting.


6. Next Meeting

a. The next meeting is scheduled for 9 August 2005, Tuesday, at 7:00 P.M. in the Hoyt room at the Rapid City Public Library. The room has been reserved for the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 P.M. for the next 9 months.  The September meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday September 8, 2005 at 6:00 pm due to a conflict, and the Hoyt room has been reserved for the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. for the next 9 months. The room is downstairs just to the right of the door when you enter.

b. All Class of "61" classmates are invited and encouraged to attend the meetings and help the committee with this 45 year reunion.


7. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted

Earl R. McKinstry, Recorder


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